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Our First Mothers LIMITED STOCK
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Title: Our First Mothers LIMITED STOCK
Author: Jacqueline Martin
Iwi: Ngāti Raukawa ki Wharepuhunga, Waikato, Tauranga Moana
Jacqueline’s lived experiences as a Māori midwife of 20+ years has culminated on her redefining her role from the midwife who happened to be Māori, to the Tāpuhi by whakapapa she is today.
Description: Book
An exploration of Māori midwifery praxis.
Ka mihi ki te mauri o te tūhonohonotanga, o te hā ki te hā, te aroha ki te aroha, te roimata ki te roimata e,
Haere mai rā
Nā Aunty Amiria
Our First Mothers was crafted with the intentionality of returning the sacred Hine back into the lands of Aotearoa New Zealand. It is a story that weaves multivocal threads of Māori and Pākehā midwifery graduates (1996-2016), Indignous birthworkers, and a dialogue between a Kuia and her mokopuna navigating the shifting landscape of midwifery in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Their narratives are set against a backdrop of Atua kōrero that guides the relationship between a Kuia and her mokopuna, as they embark on stripping away colonisation in the most intimate moments of identity, the birthing of whakapapa.
‘Kuia, is it selfish of me to not want another Māori midwife to go through what I have?
Kei a koe te mana, Mokopuna’
Materials: Soft Cover
ISBN: 978-0-473-68643-7
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