Title: Polynesian Panthers: Pacific Protest and Affirmative Action in Aotearoa NZ 1971–1981
Authors: Melani Anae, Leilani Tamu, Lautofa Iuli
Description: Pukapuka, Book
Polynesian Panthers records the Pacific rights and social activist movement in New Zealand, told by those who were there. Forming in 1971, the Polynesian Panther Party sought to raise consciousness and took action in response to the racism and discrimination Pacific peoples faced in New Zealand in the 1970s and 1980s.
The Panthers organised prison-visit programmes and sporting and debating teams for inmates; provided a halfway-house service for young men released from prison; ran homework centres; and offered ‘people’s loans’, legal aid and food banks that catered for up to 600 families. Drawing on interviews, memoirs, poetry, newspaper articles and critical analysis, Polynesian Panthers is a thought-provoking account of this period in New Zealand.
Polynesian Panthers
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Title: Polynesian Panthers: Pacific Protest and Affirmative Action in Aotearoa NZ 1971–1981
Authors: Melani Anae, Leilani Tamu, Lautofa Iuli
Description: Pukapuka, Book
Polynesian Panthers records the Pacific rights and social activist movement in New Zealand, told by those who were there. Forming in 1971, the Polynesian Panther Party sought to raise consciousness and took action in response to the racism and discrimination Pacific peoples faced in New Zealand in the 1970s and 1980s.
The Panthers organised prison-visit programmes and sporting and debating teams for inmates; provided a halfway-house service for young men released from prison; ran homework centres; and offered ‘people’s loans’, legal aid and food banks that catered for up to 600 families. Drawing on interviews, memoirs, poetry, newspaper articles and critical analysis, Polynesian Panthers is a thought-provoking account of this period in New Zealand.
ISBN: 9781775502050
Laguage: English
Materials: Soft cover
Genre: History
Pages: 152
Dimensions: 210 X 2550mm
Lautofa Iuli
Leilani Tamu
Melani Anae
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