Title: Working With Whānau (Rural Social Work In Aotearoa NZ)
Authors: Rachael Selby & Awhina English
Description: This is the third book in a series high;ighting the work of kaimahi in rural communities, particularly social services, and brings readers up to date with current practice issues. It will also appeal to teachers, principals and School Boards working with social workers in schools.
is on kaimahi who work for iwi Māori organisations as social workers in low decile schools, largely in rural New Zealand. It is similar to Working With Whānau: Māori Social Work in Schools, but has been written specifically for a New Zealand audience.
Published: Te Tākupu, Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Ōtaki AOTEAROA
Working With Whānau (Rural Social Work In Aotearoa NZ)
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Title: Working With Whānau (Rural Social Work In Aotearoa NZ)
Authors: Rachael Selby & Awhina English
Description: This is the third book in a series high;ighting the work of kaimahi in rural communities, particularly social services, and brings readers up to date with current practice issues. It will also appeal to teachers, principals and School Boards working with social workers in schools.
is on kaimahi who work for iwi Māori organisations as social workers in low decile schools, largely in rural New Zealand. It is similar to Working With Whānau: Māori Social Work in Schools, but has been written specifically for a New Zealand audience.
Published: Te Tākupu, Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Ōtaki AOTEAROA
Year: 2013
Materials: Softcover Paperback
ISBN 978-0-473-32058-4
Pages: 114 with colour illustration
Languages: English with some Te Reo Māori
Dimensions: 150 X 210 X 8 mm
Awhina English
Rachael Selby
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