1 in stock
Title: Kete Kōhanga Series
A waiting place for two
Artist: Susan Barrett
Iwi: Ngāti Raukawa
Description: Kete Kōhanga
A kōhanga, a Nest for the incubation of unfinished mahi, a work in progress
Materials: Harakeke, upcycled fabric cut offs, spray paint, old rope
Freight: Arranged by email
A Waiting Place for Two
1 in stock
Title: Kete Kōhanga Series
A waiting place for two
Artist: Susan Barrett
Iwi: Ngāti Raukawa
Description: Kete Kōhanga
A kōhanga, a Nest for the incubation of unfinished mahi, a work in progress
Materials: Harakeke, upcycled fabric cut offs, spray paint, old rope
Freight: Arranged by email
Susan Barrett
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