Detail: Part of a collaborative series of work based on transformation of Hine Ti Tama to Hine nui te Pō. A self-portrait Hine o te Pō explores themes of trauma, resilience and the identity of Wāhine Māori. The main concept behind this painting is exploring the inner-Atua and the experience colonial trauma (often sexual trauma) that is a shared experience of being a wahine Māori.
The story of Hine nui te Pō is inspiring to Tayla because she fell to Rarohenga in despair but found her purpose in guiding people after death. Tayla feels like it’s a really empowering story because similar to Hine nui te Pō, we are resilient and have had to overcome trauma. We create our own space despite the experiences we have! Tayla’s interest comes from her Kaumātua sharing with her that Hine nui te Pō hold us during trauma. This is one way we can describe depression.
Hine o te Pō Poem:
She waited at the breaking of dawn
A state being, Uncertain, Shifting
Drifting with the breeze
Like the swaying gold of toitoi reeds
Warming the waters that greet her and glisten
But there is no song to sing and no one to listen
Poupou turn away from her in shame
The fabric is frayed, Unravelling the pain
Twisting like the wrists of weavers
Wrapping, Turning, Recreating
Seeking the pieces and trying to connect them
What is the ourpose beyond creation?
Sinking further, Deeper
Spending her days in an endless night
Then in an ocean of darkness
She is reclaimed
From the soils of Kurawaka, and deep red clay
From the currents that carve groove scars from the river to bay
Hine o te Pō
1 in stock
Title: Hine o te Pō
Artist: Tayla Hartemink
Iwi: Ngāi Tūhoe, Te Arawa, Ngāti Pū, Kuki Airani
Description: Painting with poetry
She waited at the breaking of dawn
A state being, Uncertain, Shifting
Drifting with the breeze
Like the swaying gold of toitoi reeds
Warming the waters that greet her and glisten
But there is no song to sing and no one to listen
Poupou turn away from her in shame
The fabric is frayed, Unravelling the pain
Twisting like the wrists of weavers
Wrapping, Turning, Recreating
Seeking the pieces and trying to connect them
What is the ourpose beyond creation?
Sinking further, Deeper
Spending her days in an endless night
Then in an ocean of darkness
She is reclaimed
From the soils of Kurawaka, and deep red clay
From the currents that carve groove scars from the river to bay
From the shoulders of mountains and beneath
In te po
She waits
Materials: Acrylic, canvas
Weight and Dimensions: 5kg – 1000 x 795 x 15 mm
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