Cover Illustration: Te-Hono-ki-Kapiti by John Bevan-Ford 1992-93
Description: A collection of songs from Ngāti Toarangatira and Ngāti Raukawa
First published in 1994 by Huia Publishers, Wellington.
Kāti au i konei is a collection of waiata from Ngāti Toarangtira and Ngāti Raukawa of the southern reaches of Te Ika-a-Māui (North Island). It contains 15 waiata composed by members of these two tribes. Composers include Te Rauparaha, Te Rangihaeata, Te Uatōrikiriki, Matangi Hauroa, Kingi Tahiwi, Manomano, Te Ria Haukōraki, Erenora Taratoa, Te Whatanui, Rākapa Kāhoki, Peou and Āperahama Te Ruru. The collection follows the model created by Sir Apirana Ngata in his monumental Ngā Moteatea series of collected waiata. Kāti au i konei also contains contributions by current authorities and exponents of waiata including Pāteriki Te Rei, Te Waari Te Rei, Ngārongo Iwikātea Nicholson and Dr. Tūkawekai Kereama. Their contributions are published alongside information drawn the manuscripts of Mātene Te Whiwhi, Te Rangihaeata, Wiremu Neera Te Kanae, and Tāmihana Te Rauparaha. The text is fully bilingual. Finally, Kāti au i konei is illustrated with genealogical tables and photographic material.
Materials: Softcover
Weight: 0.5kg
Dimensions: 268 x 209 x 7 (mm)
Additional information
0.5 kg
26.8 × 20.9 × 0.7 cm
John Bevan-Ford
Te Tākupu
Te Wānanga o Raukawa is a tikanga Māori tertiary education provider based in Ōtaki, Aotearoa, New Zealand. Hailed at the time as the ‘smallest university in the world’ Te Wānanga o Raukawa was established by the Raukawa Marae Trustees in 1981 with only two students.
A special and unique place of learning, Te Wānanga o Raukawa has become recognised over the last 30 years as an opportunity for all to learn within a tikanga Māori community under the principles of the iwi development strategy, Whakatupuranga Rua Mano: Generation 2000.
Kāti au i konei LIMITED STOCK
8 in stock
Title: Kāti au i konei
Compiled By: Te Ahukaramū Charles Royal
Cover Illustration: Te-Hono-ki-Kapiti by John Bevan-Ford 1992-93
Description: A collection of songs from Ngāti Toarangatira and Ngāti Raukawa
First published in 1994 by Huia Publishers, Wellington.
Kāti au i konei is a collection of waiata from Ngāti Toarangtira and Ngāti Raukawa of the southern reaches of Te Ika-a-Māui (North Island). It contains 15 waiata composed by members of these two tribes. Composers include Te Rauparaha, Te Rangihaeata, Te Uatōrikiriki, Matangi Hauroa, Kingi Tahiwi, Manomano, Te Ria Haukōraki, Erenora Taratoa, Te Whatanui, Rākapa Kāhoki, Peou and Āperahama Te Ruru. The collection follows the model created by Sir Apirana Ngata in his monumental Ngā Moteatea series of collected waiata. Kāti au i konei also contains contributions by current authorities and exponents of waiata including Pāteriki Te Rei, Te Waari Te Rei, Ngārongo Iwikātea Nicholson and Dr. Tūkawekai Kereama. Their contributions are published alongside information drawn the manuscripts of Mātene Te Whiwhi, Te Rangihaeata, Wiremu Neera Te Kanae, and Tāmihana Te Rauparaha. The text is fully bilingual. Finally, Kāti au i konei is illustrated with genealogical tables and photographic material.
Materials: Softcover
Weight: 0.5kg
Dimensions: 268 x 209 x 7 (mm)
Additional information
John Bevan-Ford
Te Tākupu
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