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Taimana by Charlene Fraser
1 in stock
Title: Taimana
Artist: Charlene Fraser
Iwi: Ngāti Tukorehe, Ngāti Rangitihi, Te Āti Haunui a Pāpārangi
Materials: Natural Harakeke, boiled and unboiled
Photo Credit, Bob Zurr
Description: Original fine woven Kete Whakairo
One point of difference that makes Charlene’s weaving stand out is the unique designer 5 plait Muka handles. Each Kete Whakairo has it’s own individually designed Muka handles which are one of the many signature finishes Charlene is known for.
She has woven Matariki themed Kete for more than 20 years, a trendsetter of technique and fine geometrical weaving. The stories of Matariki are woven into the pattern of the Kete very thoughtfully where designs may be reversed or mirrored to create impact.
Dimensions: 380 X 230 mm
Charlene Fraser
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