Publishing details: Te Tākupu, Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Ōtaki, AOTEAROA
Year: 2024
Description: Journal Series No. 7
The reader will enjoy a further 11 chapters written by wāhine from the ART Confederation. In this volume we have poetry, biographies, academic research, whanau history and more from the Manu Kōrero stage. With a strong focus on mokopuna and māmā, this Te Ukaipā celebrates whakapapa; whanau and finding strength in who we are and all we’ve overcome.
Materials: Soft Cover
Te Tākupu
Te Wānanga o Raukawa is a tikanga Māori tertiary education provider based in Ōtaki, Aotearoa, New Zealand. Hailed at the time as the ‘smallest university in the world’ Te Wānanga o Raukawa was established by the Raukawa Marae Trustees in 1981 with only two students.
A special and unique place of learning, Te Wānanga o Raukawa has become recognised over the last 30 years as an opportunity for all to learn within a tikanga Māori community under the principles of the iwi development strategy, Whakatupuranga Rua Mano: Generation 2000.
Te Ūkaipō 7 Journal
4 in stock
Title: Te Ūkaipō 7
Volume: 6, 2024
Editors: Debbie Broughton, Kahukura Kemp, Sonya Daly, Hera Eparaima
Publishing details: Te Tākupu, Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Ōtaki, AOTEAROA
Year: 2024
Description: Journal Series No. 7
The reader will enjoy a further 11 chapters written by wāhine from the ART Confederation. In this volume we have poetry, biographies, academic research, whanau history and more from the Manu Kōrero stage. With a strong focus on mokopuna and māmā, this Te Ukaipā celebrates whakapapa; whanau and finding strength in who we are and all we’ve overcome.
Materials: Soft Cover
Te Tākupu
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