Title: Toki Tūhua
Artist: Erihapeti McPherson
Iwi: Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe, Kotimana
Description: Toki (adze shaped) Earrings
Materials: Tūhua (Obsidian), sterling silver
Erihapeti McPherson
Erihapeti is of Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe and Kotimana descent.
She lives in Golden Bay, Te Tai Tapu, and has a strong relationship with the local hapū.
She is a prolific artist and works with many different mediums. She lets herself be guided by her dreams and visions, and her creation process.
All of her natural resources are collected with the blessing of the local Mohua hapū.
Toki Tūhua
1 in stock
Title: Toki Tūhua
Artist: Erihapeti McPherson
Iwi: Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe, Kotimana
Description: Toki (adze shaped) Earrings
Materials: Tūhua (Obsidian), sterling silver
Erihapeti McPherson
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