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Wheku Collection
Title: Wheku
Artist: Arumaki Pasene-Grennell
Iwi: Ngāti Maniapoto, Aitutaki, Tāhiti, Niue
Description: Contemporary Clay Mask
Wheku is the Māori depiction of a human face, a carved figure situated on the gable of an ancestral meeting house
Materials: Various clays, mask is cast from a mould, with variations of glaze and oxide finishes, paua shell inlay
Dimensions: Approx. 160mm X 135mm
Additional information
Brick Clay Pāua Eyes, Recycled Clay No Eyes, Red Clay No Eyes, Red Clay Pāua Eyes, White Clay No Eyes, White Clay Oxide Eyes, White Clay Pāua Eyes, White Raku Paua Eyes
Arumaki Pasene Grennell
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