Title: Wheku Toa (Camo Warrior Mask)
Artist: Messini Palace
Iwi: Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Apakura
Description: Sculpture
These sculptures represent the strength and determination for Tangata Whenua to hold onto our tino rangatiratanga, whenua, reo Māori and whakapapa since the onset of colonisation.
Materials: Gypsim plaster, Pāua, paint
Green, Pink, Sand
Wheku Toa
Title: Wheku Toa (Camo Warrior Mask)
Artist: Messini Palace
Iwi: Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Apakura
Description: Sculpture
These sculptures represent the strength and determination for Tangata Whenua to hold onto our tino rangatiratanga, whenua, reo Māori and whakapapa since the onset of colonisation.
Materials: Gypsim plaster, Pāua, paint
Additional information
Green, Pink, Sand
Messini Palace
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